uploads/ground screen.jpg

ground screen 地網。

ground sea

The ground screen is utilized to obtain enhanced mirror affect , yet due to the disequilibrium of the electricity feeding , the coupling loses balance , which results in a shift of zero point of the vertical pattern 地網的作用是使地面能夠起到更好的鏡像作用,但是由于線性陣列相對于地網結構而言饋電不均衡,導致了耦合的不均衡,結果是使得線性陣列的垂直面方向圖零點產生了偏移。

To prove the result , we simulate the coupling currents of the ground screen with supernec , and analyze the effects of coupling currents on pattern in quantity 為此我們使用supernec電磁仿真軟件計算出了地網的耦合電流,驗證了這一結論。

For the instrument system , we introduce effective steps and technique of screen or grounding screen that can restrain the great mass of interference 針對儀表系統,介紹了能有效抑制絕大部分類型干擾的屏蔽和屏蔽接地措施和技術。

Then , we discuss the influences that the ground screen acts on the equispaced linear array and the circular array respectively 然后我們分別討論地網對于等間距線性陣列和圓陣列的影響。